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Saturday, May 23, 2009


Have you ever wondered whether your beliefs reflect reality or create it?

The answer to the question is realized in understanding the concept of objective and subjective reality and the difference between the two. Most people believe that objective reality is made up by the physical laws that govern the universe. Law of gravity, thermodynamics, electromagnetism are some of those laws. But the truth is that even the physical laws themselves are governed by the higher laws of reality.

Quantum physics states that everything in the most minute level is actually pure energy that is conscious, intelligent and living. This energy is directed and governed by consciousness itself. Therefore the physical laws of the universe are actually governed by the mental laws of consciousness. The physical is ruled by the spiritual.

Now although we know that mind rules over matter, that does not suffice to say that we can go ahead and attempt to defy the law of gravity by jumping off a cliff just for the fun of it, without a real and strongly justifiable purpose of doing so. This is where some people misunderstand the truth and why they go and do stupid things which land them in undesirable consequences.

The physical laws of the universe are not governed by the mind of a single individual alone but by the universal mind. The universal mind is the infinite intelligent consciousness of God which is connected to the minds of every single living thing in the universe. It is the universal mind that determines whether a physical law of reality is subjugated by the mind of an individual or not.

In the event where a person manages to defy a physical law of reality, it is because he/she is in harmony with the will and purpose of the universal mind. That is the reason why miracles happen in this world where people are saved from certain death or experience divine providence and empowerment.

So objective reality is the spiritual laws of the universe. That which is immutable, unchanging and constant. It exists whether you believe in it or not, that’s why it is objective reality. It is not subjected to your individual mind alone but by the universal mind that is greater and above all.

Spirituality is defined as “belief in those aspects of reality that are not of this world or this material universe”. All reality is truly spiritual in essence.

Truth is opinion that conforms to reality. Reality is that which is so whether anyone knows it or not and whether anyone likes it or not. Thus, truth is based in reality, but reality is independent of opinion. The modern notion expressed as “my truth, your truth” I automatically translate as “my opinion, your opinion,” and the assertion that we each create our own reality is an example of what I refer to as “fantasy”.

Beliefs that reflect reality are beliefs in objective reality. They do not lead to its creation or uncreation.

As for Subjective reality, it is the aspect of reality that you have immediate and direct control over because it is made up by your thoughts and interpretations of your experiences. It is the inner world of your mind. Subjective reality can be influenced, transformed and shaped by you. That is why it is subjective reality, it is changeable according to your beliefs.

We know that the world within governs the world without. Your thoughts literally control reality. We can have control over the whole of reality by following the spiritual laws of consciousness. Hence we can govern all subjective reality by using the power of true objective reality.

Subjective reality is subject to change since it is temporal. You can choose to believe differently about what you are observing and cause reality to change instantaneously or over time.

Beliefs that create reality are beliefs in subjective reality. They have the power to create, perpetuate or change reality.

There are things you do not have to believe in order for them to exist. They already exist in the universe anyway. Believing causes them to manifest in your experience according to the Law of Attraction. Disbelieving keeps them away from appearing in your individual reality. They may exist to others who believe but not to you.

Everything you experience is the result of your thoughts whether present or some time in the past. You can explain everything that has already happened to you through this paradigm. Was there something already within your consciousness that made this words appear in your reality as the manifestation of your own thoughts?

The purpose of having this understanding about beliefs and reality, is to enable you to choose authentic beliefs that serve to empower you and create the reality you desire. Understanding brings you power. You now have greater a understanding of belief so you have greater power than others in using it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


  1. Pada tanggal 16 Mei setiap tahun seluruh negara menyambut Hari Guru sebagai penghormatan jasa kaum guru dan tanda ucapan terima kasih kepada mereka. Penghormatan ini amat layak diberikan kerana usaha gigih guru dalam mendidik insan merupakan peranan yang mulia. Pembangunan diri insan yang cemerlang akan menentukan matlamat pembinaan sebuah negara yang maju dan aman akan dapat kita capai.
  2. Menyedari pentingnya pembinaan negara bangsa bagi sebuah negara yang berbilang kaum seperti Malaysia, Kementerian Pelajaran telah memilih “Guru Pembina Negara Bangsa” sebagai tema Hari Guru pada tahun ini. Keupayaan membina Negara Bangsa amat bergantung kepada keutuhan perkongsian nilai serta semangat patriotisme yang dapat dipupuk dan disuburkan dalam kalangan semua lapisan rakyat, terutama dalam kalangan generasi muda. Menerusi semangat patriotisme, bangsa akan menjadi kuat, berani, mempunyai kekuatan mental, emosi dan fizikal dalam membentuk ketahanan negara. Nilai sosial seperti semangat kekitaan, perasaan saling hormat-menghormati, mengamalkan sifat toleransi, taat setia dan pengabdian yang tidak berbelah bagi terhadap negara wajarlah dipupuk dan diamalkan sejak di bangku sekolah dan menjadikannya budaya hidup masyarakat.
  3. Matlamat kerajaan untuk membina sebuah Negara Bangsa adalah selaras dengan gagasan 1 Malaysia; rakyat didahulukan dan pencapaian diutamakan yang dihasratkan oleh YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Hasrat 1 Malaysia ialah membina sebuah negara yang bersatu padu serta menyanjung masa hadapan yang dikongsi bersama, menikmati kehidupan bersama yang sepenuhnya berasaskan keadilan. Tidak ada sesiapapun akan terpinggir untuk merebut peluang yang disediakan bagi menyerlahkan segala keupayaan dan potensi masing-masing.
  4. Jika nilai-nilai ini dapat diterapkan melalui proses pendidikan yang terancang, saya yakin dan percaya perpaduan dalam kalangan rakyat akan dapat diperkukuhkan. Perpaduan merupakan aspek penting dalam pembangunan negara. Oleh itu ianya perlu diberikan perhatian yang bersungguh-sungguh oleh setiap orang. Kementerian Pelajaran akan terus menyokong pembinaan Negara Bangsa bagi memperkukuhkan perpaduan, membina identiti nasional dan semangat kebangssan serta membangunkan sumber manusia bersesuaian dengan keperluan negara kita dalam menghadapi cabaran globalisasi.
  5. Saya menaruh penuh keyakinan dan berharap guru dapat memainkan peranan yang penting ini. Selain bertanggungjawab mengajar dan mendidik, guru turut berada di saf hadapan untuk menyemai dan memupuk perpaduan, semangat patriotisme, menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran; serta membentuk akhlak dan jati diri murid bagi melahirkan modal insan cemerlang.
  6. Membina Negara Bangsa merupakan Teras Strategik yang pertama dalam Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan (PIPP) 2006-2010. Bagi menjayakan Teras Strategik ini, pelbagai program dan projek yang berkaitan dengan kebahasaan, kesusasteraan, patriotik, serta seni, warisan dan budaya telah dirancang oleh pihak Kementerian. Ia bertujuan untuk memperkukuh perpaduan bangsa, membina identiti nasional, memperteguh semangat kebangsaan serta membangunkan sumber manusia bagi mengisi keperluan negara. Semoga, dengan jati diri yang kental dan semangat patriotik yang tebal, akan lahirlah bangsa Malaysia yang utuh dan bermaruah.
  7. Tugas membina negara bangsa melalui pendidikan tidak akan selesai. Sebaliknya ia semakin kompleks dan mencabar selaras dengan kemajuan yang tidak terbatas pada masa kini. Saya menyeru kepada semua guru supaya mempertingkatkan diri dengan ilmu dan kemahiran supaya dapat melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan lebih
    berkesan. Ingatlah bahawa peranan kita sentiasa dinilai oleh masyarakat. Guru juga perlu memelihara akhlak dan budi pekerti supaya guru terus dihormati dan menjadi role model kepada anak didik dan masyarakat. Berkhidmatlah dengan penuh ikhlas. Teruslah
    berjuang membina negara bangsa kerana Malaysia amat memerlukan khidmat bakti para guru.
  8. Kepada Kerajaan Pusat, jutaan terima kasih diucapkan atas keprihatinan dan sokongan padu yang sentiasa diberi kepada Kementerian Pelajaran. Malah, dalam kemuraman ekonomi dunia yang mana Malaysia turut merasai bahangnya, kepentingan pendidikan tetap diutamakan. Suntikan RM200 juta kepada Kementerian Pelajaran dalam Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi yang pertama, diikuti RM2.093 bilion lagi melalui Pakej Rangsangan Kedua merupakan bukti kukuh betapa komitednya pihak Kerajaan dalam memastikan pembangunan pendidikan terus berjalan seperti yang dirancang dan disasarkan.
  9. Kepada semua guru, sekali lagi saya ucapkan jutaan terima kasih atas segala jasa yang telah tuan/puan sumbangkan. Jasa dan pengorbanan kita akan terpahat dalam ingatan dan akan tetap dikenang sepanjang hayat.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

How To Study Effectively

Preparing to Study: A good study place
Before beginning your study sessions, you must first make sure that you have a good study place. Make sure, you have covered all of the concerns below:-
1.Your study place should be available to you whenever you may need it.
2. It must also be free from interruptions and distractions.
3. Do you have all of the study materials that you may need?
4. Is your study place in a well lit area?

Study Habits: 10 study habits of successful students
1. Try not to do too much studying at one time.If you try to do too much studying at one time, you will tire and your studying will not be very effective. Space the work you have to do over shorter periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental energy.

2. Plan specific times for studying. Study time is any time you are doing something related to schoolwork. It can be completing assigned reading, working on a paper or project, or studying for a test. Schedule specific times throughout the week for your study time.

3. Try to study at the same times every day. Studying at the same times each day establishes a routine that becomes a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating. When a scheduled study time comes up during the day, you will be mentally prepared to begin studying.

4. Set specific goals for your study times. Goals will help you stay focused and monitor your progress. Simply sitting down to study has little value. You must be very clear about what you want to accomplish during your study times.

5. Start studying when planned. You may delay starting your studying because you don’t like an assignment or think it is too hard. A delay in studying is called “procrastination.” If you procrastinate for any reason, you will find it difficult to get everything done when you need to. You may rush to make up the time you wasted getting started, resulting in careless work and errors.

6. Work on the assignment you find most difficult first. Your most difficult assignment will require the most effort. Start with your most difficult assignment since this is when you have the most mental energy.

7. Review your notes before beginning an assignment. Reviewing your notes can help you make sure you are doing an assignment correctly. Also, your notes may include information that will help you complete an assignment.

8. Tell your friends not to call you during your study times. Two study problems can occur if your friends call you during your study times. First, your work is interrupted. It is not that easy to get back to what you were doing. Second, your friends may talk about things that will distract you from what you need to do. Here’s a simple idea – turn off your cell phone during your study times.

9. Call another student when you have difficulty with an assignment. This is a case where “two heads may be better than one.”

10. Review your schoolwork over the weekend. Yes, weekends should be fun time. But there is also time to do some review. This will help you be ready to go on Monday morning when another school week begins.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I begin with the name of Allah the most merciful and the most kind, peace and blessing be upon beloved Prophet (S.A.W) All praise is for Allah.

Islam is the religion of knowledge. The first aayah of the Qur’an to be revealed enjoined reading which is the key to knowledge. Allah (SWT) says:

“Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created (all that exists). He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. He has taught man that which he knew not” [al-‘Alaq 96:1-5]

Allah (SWT) created man and provided him with the tools for acquiring knowledge, namely hearing, sight and wisdom. Allah says:

“And Allâh has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers while
you know nothing. And He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts that you might give thanks (to Allâh) [al-Nahl 16:78]

Because of the importance of knowledge, Allah (SWT) commanded His Messenger to seek more of it. Allah (SWT) says:“and say: ‘My Lord! Increase me in knowledge”[Ta -Ha 20:114]

Islam calls us to seek knowledge. The Prophet (PBUH) made seeking knowledge an obligation upon every Muslim, and he explained that the superiority of the one who has knowledge over the one who merely worships is like the superiority of the moon over every other heavenly body. He said that the scholars are the heirs of the Prophets and that the Prophets did not leave behind dinars and dirhams (i.e., money), rather their inheritance was knowledge, so whoever acquires it has gained a great share. The Prophet (PBUH) said that seeking knowledge is a way to Paradise. He (PBUH) said: “Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allah (SWT) will make a path to Paradise easy for him.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, Kitaab al-‘Ilm, 10)

Islam calls us to learn all kinds of beneficial knowledge. Branches of knowledge vary in status, the highest of which is knowledge of sharee’ah, then knowledge of medicine, then the other fields of knowledge. The best of all branches of knowledge are the sciences of sharee’ah through which man comes to know his Lord, and his Prophet and religion. This is the knowledge with which Allah (SWT) honoured His Messenger; He taught it to him so that he might teach it to mankind:

  • “Indeed, Allâh conferred a great favour on the believers when He sent among them a Messenger (Muhammad) from among themselves, reciting unto them His Verses (the Qur’ân), and purifying them (from sins by their following him), and instructing them (in) the Book (the Qur’an) and Al-Hikmah [the wisdom and the Sunnah of the Prophet (i.e. his legal ways, statements and acts of worship)], while before that they had been in manifest error”[Aal ‘Imraan 3:164]
There is no goodness in knowledge which is not confirmed by action, or words which are not confirmed by deeds:
  • “O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? Most hateful it is with Allâh that you say that which you do not do”[al-aff :2-3]
    Knowledge brings a great reward. The one who points the way to something good is like the one who does it. When the knowledgeable person dies, his reward with Allah (SWT) does not cease when he dies, rather it continues to increase so long as people benefit from his knowledge. The Prophet (PBUH) said:

    “When a man dies, all his deeds come to an end except for three – an ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous son who will pray for him.” (Narrated by Muslim, 1631)

    The first and most crucial obligation on us is to acquire knowledge and secondly to practice and preach this knowledge. No man becomes truly a Muslim without knowing the meaning of Islam, because he becomes a Muslim not through birth but through knowledge. Unless we come to know the basic and necessary teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) how can we believe in him, have faith in him, act according to what he taught? It is impossible for us to be a Muslim, and at the same time live in a state of ignorance.

    A person without knowledge is like someone walking along a track in complete darkness. Most likely his steps will wander aside and he easily can be deceived by shaytaan. This shows that our greatest danger lies in our ignorance of Islamic teachings and in our unawareness of what the Qur’an teaches and what guidance has been given by the Prophet (PBUH). But if we are blessed with the light of knowledge we will be able to see plainly the clear path of Islam at every step of our lives. We shall also be able to identify and avoid the dangerous paths of Kufr, Shirk and immorality, which may cross it.

    And, whenever a false guide meets us on the way, a few words with him will quickly establish that he is not a guide who should be followed. Knowledge is pursued and practiced with modesty and humility and leads to beauty and dignity, freedom and justice.

    The main purpose of acquiring knowledge is to bring us closer to God. It is not simply for the gratification of the mind or the senses. It is not knowledge for the sake of knowledge or science for the value of sake.

    Knowledge accordingly must be linked with values and goals. One of the purposes of acquiring knowledge is to gain the good of this world, not to destroy it through wastage, arrogance and in the reckless pursuit of higher standards of material comfort.

    Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah - rahimahullaah - said: "There are six stages to knowledge:

    Firstly: Asking questions in a good manner.

    Secondly: Remaining quiet and listening attentively.

    Thirdly: Understanding well.

    Fourthly: Memorising.

    Fifthly: Teaching.

    Sixthly- and it is its fruit: Acting upon the knowledge and keeping to its limits."


    Ibn al-Qayyim - rahimahullaah- said: "There is no doubt that the heart becomes covered with rust, just as metal dishes - silver, and their like - become rusty. So the rust of the heart is polished with dhikr (remembrance of Allah (SWT)), for dhikr polishes the heart until it becomes like a shiny mirror. However, when dhikr is abandoned, the rust returns; and when it commences then the heart again begins to be cleansed. Thus the heart becoming rusty is due to two matters: sins and ahafah ( neglecting remembrance of Allah (SWT) ). Likewise, it is cleansed and polished by two things : istighfaar (seeking Allah (SWT)'s forgiveness) and dhikr."

    The first revelation that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received starts remarkably with special emphasis on the importance of knowledge:

    “Proclaim! (or read!) In the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created ; Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood ; proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful; He Who taught (the use of) the pen; Taught man that which he knew not.” (96:1-5)

    The Quran exhorts believers to pray for advancement in knowledge:“Acquire knowledge, because he who acquires it in the way of the Lord performs an act of piety ; who speaks of it, praises the Lord ; who seeks it, adores God ; who dispenses instruction in it, bestows alms ; and who imparts it to its fitting objects, performs an act of devotion to God.

    Knowledge enables its possessor to distinguish what is forbidden from what is not ; it lights the way to Heaven ; it is our friend in the desert, our society in solitude, our companion when bereft of friends ; it guides us to happiness ; it sustains us in misery ; it is our ornament in the company of friends ; it serves as an amour against our enemies. With knowledge, the obedient servant of God rises to the heights of goodness and to a noble position, associates with sovereigns in this world, and attains to the perfection of happiness in the next.”He would often say: “the ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr”.

    It was due to injunctions of the Holy Quran and instructions of the Prophet that the knowledge has been at the core of the Islamic world-view from the very beginning. Among his followers intellect, arts and learning prevailed and flourished on gigantic scale and the Muslims made glorious and marvellous achievements in almost every field of scientific knowledge including Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine and Social Sciences.

    According to Quranic perspective, knowledge is a prerequisite for the creation of a just world in which authentic peace can prevail. The Quran emphasizes the importance of the pursuit of learning even at the time, and in the midst, of war:

    “Nor should the Believers all go forth together: if a contingent from very expedition remained behind, they could devote themselves to studies in religion, and admonish the people when they return to them - that thus they (may learn) to guard themselves (against evil)” [9:122]

Seeking Knowledge-The Obligation on Muslims